Mar 13, 2025
Government ResultsResults and Selection Lists

Provisional selection list of AWH Bishnah

Provisional/Tentative selection list of candidates for the post of SANGANIS (Anaganwadi Worker), inviting objections thereof.

Whereas vide this office Notification No:- 04 of 2023/Bishnah, dated 07-11-2023, issued vide endorsement no CDPO /B /Adv/ 928-940/2023 dated: 7-11-2023, applications for the post of SANGANIS (Anganwadi Worker) were invited from the eligible female candidates for various vacant posts in Panchayats/ Muncipal wards under the Jurisdiction of Poshan Project Bishnah.

Whereas after receiving application forms, scrutiny was conducted by the members of selection Committee as per the laid down guidelines in the new Human Resource Policy issued vide Govt. order No:-222-JK SWD of 2022 dated 30.11.2022, read with Govt Order no 103-JK(SWD) of 2023, dated 28-04-2023.

Whereas in the light of laid down guidelines, following candidates as mentioned in Annexure “A” have been provisionally /tentatively considered for the post of SANGANIS (Anganwadi Worker) against available vacant posts in AWCs of Panchayat/ Municipal wards mentioned against each.

The candidates mentioned in Annexure “A”are advised to report in the office of CDPO Poshan Project Bishnah along with all original requisite documents for verification within 10 days from the date of issue of this notice.

Objections are hereby invited from the general public regarding the above mentioned provisional / tentative selection list. The objections should reach the office of CDPO Poshan Project Bishnah within 10 days from the date of issue of this notice, after that no claim of any sort of objection shall be entertained.

For the information of candidates the merit list is also published as mentioned in Annexure “B”

Note :- The above selection list is purely provisional/ tentative and may likely be modified in case of valid proven objections or detection of any forged documents at any time or for any other reason.

Further Details :-


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