Selection list of the candidates for the post of Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helpers) Khour
Whereas vide Advertisement Notice No.01 of 2023 Dated 15-10-2023 and Advertisement Notice No 02 Dated 25-05-2023, of this office, applications were invited for the posts of Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helpers) in various Anganwadi Centres of Poshan Project Khour. whereas, the provisional selection list of below mentioned 8 posts (in Annexure A ) of Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helpers) was issued vide letter no. CDPO/K/807-12/2023 dated 26-12-2023 of this office, for inviting of objections.
whereas, no objections were received for the above said posts of Sahayikas, whereas the Selection Committee constituted vide Govt. Order No. 103-1K (SWD) of 2023 dated 28-04-2023 for Sahayikas (AWHs) has recommended the final selection list of above said 8 posts of Sahayikas. Now, therefore, in pursuance to the provisions of the HR policy notified vide order No 222-1K(SWD) of 2022 Dated 30-11-2022 and the subsequent clarification issued vide letter No. SWD-ICDS/43/2022 Dated 14-08-2023 of the Department of Social Welfare, the Final Selection list for the above said 8 posts of Sahayikas (AWHs) is hereby published, as per Annexure-A, to this notification.
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