University of Kashmir: Selection Notification of 3-Year LL.B Programmes
Consequent upon the seats which remained vacant due to non-completion of admission formalities by some candidates under OM/Reserved Categories/Self Finance, the candidates whose particulars are mentioned below have been selected provisionally for admission to PG and 3-Year LL.B. programmes/Courses (Non-Professional and Professional) offered at Main Campus and Private Affiliated Law Colleges purely on the basis of merit obtained by them in the Entrance Test- session 2024 and Counselling held on 20-11-2024.
Important Note :-
The Heads/Directors/Coordinators of all the concerned Departments/Institutes/Centres/Campus who are the Chairman of the Departmental Admission Committee, shall ensure that all the selected candidates possess the minimum required eligibility and have category certificate (if selected under any reserved category valid upto 27-06-2024) the same may be verified by the original documents/certificates of the candidate. No authority slip shall be issued by the Chairman of the Admission Committee to the candidate who aren’t eligible and having category certificate issued after the above mentioned dates.
The admission of the candidates is subject to :-
1. Production of all relevant original documents {Marks Card/s of qualifying examination, Domicile certificate, Character and Provisional certificates of the Institution last attended (if applicable), valid Reserved Category certificate (wherever applicable), Migration Certificate};
2. Production of eligibility cum revival of registration/migration form wherever applicable along with prescribed fee;
3. Fulfilling of minimum required eligibility conditions to be verified by the concerned Department;
4. Clearance be sought from the Academic Section in respect of candidates having qualified examination from Universities/Institutions other than Universities/Institutions of Kashmir Division and Jammu University;
5. NOC from the concerned Department in case of In-service candidates;
Selection Notification of PG and 3-Year LL.B. Programmes/Courses (Non-Professional and Professional) : Click here
Selection Notification of 3-Year LL.B Programmes (Supplementary Shift) : Click here
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