J&K Govt issues Seniority List of 598 Masters/Teachers – JK News Today
Posts : 598
Tentative seniority list of PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Physics as it stood on 01.01.2025.
Whereas, final seniority of PG Mastersfl-eachers in the discipline of
Physics was issued vide Government order No. 312-JK(Edu) of 2023, dated
2t.09.2023; and
Whereas, after issuance of the seniority, the Directorates of School
Education, Jammu/Kashmir fonryarded the service particulars/bio-data of some PG
Mastersffeachers in the discipline of Physics for inclusion in the seniority list; and
Whereas, the objections filed by the incumbents for additions/ deletions/
corrections have been examined in the Department, and the genuine objections
have been entertained; besides the incumbents who have obtained their PG degrees
through distance/private mode during seruice without obtaining proper permission/
leave from the competent authority have been included in the Seniority list, with the
condition that the case is recommended by the Committee constituted vide
Government Order No. 1BB-JK(Edu)of 2024 dated t5.03.2024; and
Whereas, the incumbents who have obtained their PG degrees through
regular mode during service without obtaining proper permission/leave from the
competent authority have been included in the Seniority list, with the condition that
their inclusion in seniority / promotion is subject to the condition that permission for
pursuing PG during service is granted by the Administrative Department; and
Whereas, after making thorough exercise; a tentative seniority list as
it stood on 01.01.2025 has been prepared and annexed as Annexure-A for inviting
objections from members of the cadre who either are not included or are aggrieved
with their service particulars / position assigned to them in the tentative seniority
list; and
Whereas, this has necessitated issuance of an updated seniority list of
members of the service.
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