Feb 17, 2025
India JobsJammu Kashmir Jobs

Recruitment in Ramagundam Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (RFCL)

Ramagundam Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (RFCL) is a Joint Venture Company formed by National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), Engineers India Limited (EIL) and Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited (FCIL) to take forward the revival of Ramagundam Unit of FCIL by setting up of gas based Ammonia-Neem Coated Urea complex at Ramagundam site of FCIL, District-Peddapalli, Telangana-505210.

Post Details…..

Name of the Posts :

Attendant Gr. I (Mechanical) (W-2)

Attendant Gr. I (Electrical) (W-2)

Attendant Gr. I (Instrumentation) (W-2)

Note :

i. The number of vacancies are tentative and may increase or decrease at the discretion of RFCL and in compliance of the Presidential Directives on reservation at the time of appointment. Accordingly, RFCL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify/alter the requirements advertised, if need so arises, without any further notice or assigning any reason thereof. RFCL also reserves the right to raise/ relax the minimum eligibility standards and to fill/ not to fill all or any of the above positions. Posts shall be filled according to reservation position. Accordingly, SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/PwBD/ExSM category candidates are encouraged to apply.

ii. In addition to the notified vacancies, a panel of candidates shall also be created for vacancies caused by cessation of service of selected candidates/employees and additional vacancies arising within one year from date of empanelment.

iii. EWS vacancies are tentative and subject to further directives of Government of India and outcome of any litigation pending in any court. Whenever in any recruitment year any vacancy earmarked for EWS cannot be filled due to non-availability of a suitable candidate belonging to EWS, such vacancy for that particular recruitment year shall not be carried forward to the next recruitment year as backlog. The appointment against vacancies reserved for EWS category candidates shall be provisional and subject to the Income and Asset certificate to be verified through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the claim to belong to
EWS is fake/false the services of the concerned persons will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code for production of fake/false certificate. The Income and Asset Certificate issued by any one of the authorities mentioned in the prescribed
format as given on our website shall only be accepted as proof of candidate’s claim as belonging to EWS.

iv. PwBD and ExSM reservation is applied on horizontal inter-locking basis in either of UR/SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/EWS vacancies. Refer to Section No. 5 of this advertisement also, in this regard.

Application Fee : Non – refundable Application Fee of Rs.200

Steps For Applying 

(a) Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online from 24.01.2024 (0800 hrs) to 22.02.2024 (1700 hrs) on RFCL website: https://www.rfcl.co.in → Careers. No other mode of application including manual/paper shall be accepted / entertained.

(b) Only one application per candidate per post is allowed.

(c) The details in online application form can be edited / modified before final submission of online form and details once finally submitted cannot be changed under any circumstances. Hence, candidates are strictly advised to ensure that they have filled in the correct particulars & details in online application form before final submission of the same.

(d) Candidates who are registered with Local Employment Exchange(s)/ Zila Sainik Boards/Directors General Resettlement and meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria, whose names are sponsored to Ramagundam Unit against this advertisement, are advised to apply Online, failing which their candidature will not be considered.

(e) Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility norms.

(f) Before registering their applications on the website, the candidates should read the Instructions for applying mentioned on the website under Careers Section.

(g) Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

(h) Candidates should strictly ensure timely payment of Application Fee and/or submission of their online applications well before the stipulated last date of submission to avoid last minute rush.

(i) All correspondence with candidates shall be done only on their registered e-mail ID provided by candidate. All information regarding test schedule/admit card etc. shall be provided through email and / or SMS and/or by uploading on RFCL website.

(j) RFCL will not be responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid/wrong email ID provided by the candidate or for delay/non receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/her mail/website in time.

General Instructions : 

(a) Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.

(b) Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement and ascertain their eligibility before submitting their online applications.

(c) 10th/Matriculation is the authentic document required for the verification of the date of birth.

(d) Details once submitted in the online application form will be final and any request for any change including change in correspondence address/email address/mobile number/ category shall not be entertained. Candidates are, therefore, advised to carefully fill up their online application carefully.

(e) Candidates shortlisted based on the marks secured in online examination and found primafacie eligible based on the online application submitted will be called for participating in the Selection Process.

(f) The essential/mandatory educational qualification is the minimum criteria and mere possession of the same by the candidate does not entitle him/her for participating in the selection process. RFCL’s decision on all the matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or
rejection of the application, mode of shortlisting or selection, cancellation of the selection process etc. shall be final & binding. No queries or correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

(g) Mere admission to the selection process does not imply that RFCL is satisfied about candidates’ eligibility. The candidates should ensure that the details mentioned in the application form are correct and are in conformity with the eligibility criteria for the post
applied for, as mentioned in the advertisement.

Important Dates : 






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