Feb 15, 2025
Jammu Kashmir JobsGovernment JobsJobs in Jammu

Job Recruitment in Govt Polytechnic Udhampur

Engagement of Guest Faculty in Government Polytechnic Udhampur

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Applications are invited from the eligible candidates who are domicile of J&K UT, for the engagement as Guest Faculty for the academic session May June -2025 in the following discipline.

Name of Post : Guest Faculty

1. Branch/ Discipline : Civil Engineering


Bachelor’s Degree with 55% marks in appropriate branch/discipline or equivalent from a recognized Institution / University OR

Three Years Diploma with minimum 65% marks in appropriate branch/ discipline or equivalent from a recognized Institution/University

Preference will be given to higher qualification


2. Branch/ Discipline : Automobile Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering

Qualification :

Bachelor’s Degree with 55% marks in appropriate branch/discipline or equivalent from a recognized Institution / University OR

Three Years Diploma with minimum 65% marks in appropriate branch/ discipline or equivalent from a recognized Institution/University

Preference will be given to higher qualification

Note : Preference will be given to Automobile Engineering


3. Branch/ Discipline : Computer Engineering

Qualification :

Bachelor’s Degree with 55% marks in appropriate branch/discipline or equivalent from a recognized Institution / University OR

Three Years Diploma with minimum 65% marks in appropriate branch/ discipline or equivalent from a recognized Institution/University

Preference will be given to higher qualification

4. English Master’s degree in English with minimum 55% marks

5 Mathematics Master’s degree in Mathematics with minimum 55% marks

The application form along with self-Attested copies of the qualification certificate, experience (if any) must reach the office of the undersigned by or before 20-02-2025

Eligibility Criteria for Selection:

1. 80 Points for basic eligibility qualification. 2. 05 Points for higher qualification

3. 05 Points for Teaching Experience (Polytechnic Diploma level or higher level prorata basis (01) point for each academic year)

4. 05 Points for GATE/NET/SET 5. 05 Points for interaction

Terms & Conditions:

1. The engagement shall be purely on guest faculty norms and only for session May-June-2025

2. The selected candidates shall have to submit the undertaking/Affidavit before joining duly authenticated by the First Class Magistrate wherein clearly indicating that he/she shall not claim for continuation of his/her services and the agreement can be terminated at any time without any notice period.

3. The remuneration for the Guest faculty shall be Rs. 750/- Per Lecture/hour, subject to a maximum of Rs. 20,000/- per month.

Further Details :


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