Feb 12, 2025
Government JobsJammu Kashmir JobsJobs in Jammu

Recruitment in AWHs Gandhi Nagar, Jammu

Advertisement for Recruitment of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) and Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helpers) in Anganwadi Centres of POSHAN Project Gandhi Nagar (Jammu).

Reference :

1. Government order No 222-JK (SWD) of 2022 Dated: 30.11.2022

2. Government Order No.103-JK (SWD) of 2023 dated: 28.04.2023

Sanction has been accorded, vide Govt order No: 103-JK (SWD) of 2023 Dated: 28.04.2023 and approval by the Mission Director, Poshan J&K, Srinagar Vide Order No: SMD/ICDS/Recruitment /2022-23/6215-18, dated: 21-02- 2024 for filling up of various vacancies of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) and Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helpers) in Anganwadi Centres of POSHAN Project Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, as per the details of post given below:

Applications are invited in the Prescribed Performa in Annexure ‘A’ from the eligible candidates for engagement as Anganwadi Worker and Anganwadi Helper on Honorarium basis for aforementioned posts of Anganwadi Centres. The important dates/details with regard to the posts are as under:

a) Date of commencement for submission of application 28.02.2024

b) Last date for submission of applications is 08.03.2024

c) Annexure B- Name of the Post, Location/Ward, Qualification and Criteria for selection

d) Annexure C- Affidavit

Note : Candidates have to submit the application form at CDPO Office, Gandhi Nagar, C/O House No: 10-C 2nd Extension Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, during office hours.

Documents to be Attached: – (Self Attested)
a. Copy of Domicile certificate.
b. Academic qualification certificates (Matric/12th /Graduation).
c. Copy of Aadhar Card.
d. Copy of Voter Card showing residence proof (Municipal Ward No.).
e. Copy of Date of birth Certificate(10th Diploma stating date of Birth).
f. Certified copy of the latest voter list as proof of residence.
g. Certificate from concerned Councillor in case of candidate belongs to the family of retired AWW/AWH.
h. Unmarried Certificate by the concern Tehsildar (In case of unmarried candidate).
i. Affidavit in the prescribed format duly attested by Judicial /Executive Magistrate.
j. Self-addressed envelope with postage stamp of Rs 5/- affixed.



1.Women candidate must be in the age group of 18-37 years as on 01-01-2023 shall be considered for the post.

2.The candidate should be a domicile of the UT of J&K.

3.The candidate should be a resident of the electoral ward where Anganwadi Centre is situated. Name in the voter
list for the ward shall be considered as the proof of residence of the candidate. In case the name of the candidate appears in Voter list along with her parents, then she must provide certificate of being unmarried issued by the concerned Tehsildar. Wherever, there is any dispute of residence for any reason, then a residence proof certifying the ward of residence from the concerned SDM/ACR shall be considered.

4. Minimum qualification for Sangini(Anganwadi Worker) shall be 10+2 and maximum Graduation.

5. Weightage shall be given on the basis of marks obtained in 10+2 and selection shall be done purely on merit basis
and no other criteria to be considered.

6. In case any eligible candidate is available within the family of the retiring AWW/AWH, the said candidate shall qualify for additional two percent points while making selection.

7. In case of tie in merit of the eligible candidate, candidate with higher age will be preferred.

8. Candidates with qualification higher than Graduation shall not be considered.

Further Details :



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