Mar 10, 2025
Jammu Kashmir JobsGovernment JobsJobs in JammuJobs in Kashmir

Recruitment of Anganwadi Workers/Helpers of Poshan Project Drabshalla

Advertisement for Recruitment of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) and Sahayikas (AWHs) of Poshan Project Drabshalla.


1. Government order No 222-JK (SWD) of 2022 Dated: 30.11.2022

2. Government Order No.l03-JK (SWD) of 2023 dated: 28.04.2023

Approval has been accorded by Mission Directorate Poshan Jammu & Kashmir vide no : MD/Poshan/Recruitment/2023-24/38376-79, Dated:03-12-2024 and communication vide no : DPO/POSHAN/K/2024-25/750-55, Dated: 04-12-2024 for filling up of vacancy of Sangini ( Anganwadi Worker) in Anganwadi Centres of Poshan Project Drabshalla, as per the details given below:

Sr. No. Name of Project Name of Post No. of Post

1 Drabshalla AWW 02

Total 02

Applications are invited in the prescribed Performa in Annexure “B” from the eligible female candidates for engagement as Anganwadi Worker and Anganwadi Helper for aforementioned posts of Anganwadi Centre. The important dates/details with regard to the posts are as under:

a) Date of commencement for submission of application: 10-12-2024.

b) Last date for submission of applications: 24-12-2024.

c) Annexure A- Name of the Post, Location/Ward , Qualification and Criteria for selection Vacancy of Sangini (Anganwadi Worker):


Eligibility Criteria : As per Govt, order No. 222 -JK (SWD) of 2022 Dated 30-11-2022 for Recruitment of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers)

Criteria for Selection of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers):

a. Women candidate in the age group of 18-37 years as on 01-01-2024 shall be considered for the post.

b. Candidate should be a domicile of UT of J&K .

c. The candidate should be a resident of the electoral ward where AWC is situated. Name in the voter list for the ward shall be considered as the proof of resident of the candidate. In case the name of the candidate appears in voter list along with her parent’s then she must provide certificate of being unmarried issued by the concerned Tehsildar. Wherever, there is any dispute as to residence for any reason, then a resident proof certifying the ward of residence from the concerned SDM/ACR shall be considered.

d. Minimum qualification for Anganwadi worker shall be 10+2 and maximum graduation.

e. Weightage shall be given on the basis of marks obtained in 10+2 and selection shall be done purely on merit basis and no other criteria to be considered.

g. In case eligible candidate is available within the family of retiring AWW/AWH the said candidates shall qualify for additional two percent points.

h. In case of tie in merit of the eligible candidate, candidate with higher age, will be preferred, i. Candidates with qualification higher than graduation shall not be considered.


The application forms complete in all respects along with self attested copies of the following documents to be submitted in the office of Child Development Project Officer Drabshalla by personal delivery or registered post against proper receipt. The incomplete forms shall be rejected without any notice and the candidates shall have no right to claim for candidature.

Documents Required:

1- Academic Qualification certificate with Marks sheet(Matric/12th/Graduation)

2- Date of Birth certificate

3- Domicile Certificate

4- Electoral panchayat ward Voter list with ward certificate from BDO.

5- Un-married Certificate from concerned Tehsildar (in case of unmarried)

6- Affidavit in the prescribed format duly attested by 1st class Judicial Magistrate/Executive Magistrate.

7- Aadhar Card/Voter Id/2 passport size photograph.

8- Self addressed envelope with postage stamp of Rs.5/-affixed.

The candidate who is supposed to furnish various certificates issued by or before the prescribed cutt-off date, as well as candidate who is shortlisted will be required to appear before the Document Verification committee along with original documents; in case of failure the committee shall take decision which shall be final.

Document Verification

1. The candidate who is shortlisted for Document verification shall be required to appear for Document verification along-with the original documents as well as self-attested Photostat copy of each document as per the Advertisement Notification. The candidate must be in possession of the prescribed documents on or before the last date of submission of application form as under:

a. Marks sheet(s)/Diploma Certificate/Degree Certificate of the qualification prescribed for the post as per Advertisement Notification.

b. Date of Birth/Matriculation Certificate.

c. Domicile Certificate.

d. Electoral Voter ID card.

e. Panch Ward Certificate issued by concerned Block Development Officer.

f. Unmarried Certificate issued by concerned Tehsildar (wherever required)

2. Candidate have to bring two passport size recent color photographs and one original Photo ID proof. Photo ID proof can be either of

a. Electoral Voter ID card.

b. Aadhar Card.

3. The candidate, who is supposed to furnish various certificates issued by or before the prescribed cut-off date, shall be required to produce them at time of Document Verification or as may be sought by Committee: in case of failure, the committee shall take necessary decision which shall be final.

4. In case of AWH’s, if no matriculate candidate is available and candidate submitting application form is possessing maximum qualification as Middle Pass (8th), then only one of the three below mentioned certificates shall be considered as proof of DOB;

i) D-O-B Certificate issued by concerned Executive Officer of the Municipality.

ii) D-O-B Certificate issued by concerned Tehisldar or Block Development Officer.

iii) D-O-B Certificate issued by District Medical Board.

Note : No Application form shall be accepted after the expiry of the last date i-e: 24-12-2024

Further Details :Β 

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