Mar 21, 2025
Jammu Kashmir JobsJobs in KashmirUniversity Jobs

University of Kashmir Recruitment 2025

Online applications are invited from the domiciles of UT of J&K for the below mentioned posts available in the Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences, South Campus, University of Kashmir as per the details mentioned below:

Name of the Posts : Tutor

Total Posts : 03

Essential Qualifications :

B.Sc. (Nursing)/P.B.B.Sc. (Nursing) with 01 year experience.

The age of candidates as on 01.01.2025 should be:
1. Not below 18 years; and
2. Not above
a. 40 years in case of Open merit;
b. 42 years in case of Physically Challenged candidates;
c. 43 years in case of SC, ST, RBA, OBC, EWS, LAC/IB.

1 Submission of Online Forms w.e.f. 24.03.2025
2 Last date for submission of Online Forms 15.04.2025
3 Last date for submission of Hard copies (for in service candidates only, through proper channel) : 21.04.2025


1. Only those candidates should apply for the post, who fulfil all the eligibility conditions by the last date of submission of Application Form;

2. Application form found incomplete in any respect shall be rejected without any Notice;

3. Application of Government servants should be sent through the Administrative Authority concerned, University Employees through the Registrar of their respective Universities. Application forms not routed through the respective channels are liable to be rejected. However, such candidates may submit online Application form along with the requisite enclosures and application fee (whichever applicable) before the last date of submission of application form;

4. Candidates who have successfully submitted their online application form have to ensure that their name appears in the list which would be available on the University website in due course of time.

5. The Application fee once paid will not be refunded or re-adjusted under any circumstances.

6. In case of any corrigendum/addendum pertaining to this advertisement, the same shall be published on the University website only. Accordingly, all applicants in their own interest are advised to keep track of University website.

7. The appointment shall be governed by the rules & regulations of the UT Government/ University (whichever is applicable);

8. Services are transferable between the different Satellite Campuses of the University of Kashmir;

9. Impersonation or submission of false/fabricated/tampered documents or making incorrect/false statements by the candidate will, in addition to debarring him/her permanently or for a specific period from any employment in the University and also liable for criminal prosecution;

10. Canvassing in any form by or on behalf of the candidate will lead to disqualification;

11. The University reserves the right not to fill up any of the vacancies advertised, if circumstances so warrant, without assigning any reason thereof;

12. There shall be no age bar for in-service candidates of the University of Kashmir;

13. The shortlisted applicants are required to produce printout of ONLINE application form (Hardcopy) completed and duly self-attested along with supporting documents as and when asked for;

14. Candidates called for interaction/document verification shall have to produce the original documents relating to their age, educational qualifications, experience and fitness etc. before the Verification Committee;

15. The University shall verify the antecedents of all documents submitted at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, his/her service shall be terminated forthwith;

16. Candidates having degrees from a Foreign University should enclose “Equivalence Certificate” issued by Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi, without which their degree/s will not be considered;

17. Eligible candidates shall have to undergo the process of screening/selection to be determined by the University which shall be notified separately in due course of time.


For Complete Details : Click here


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