Mar 13, 2025
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GMC Jammu Winter Vacations Announced

The winter vacation will be observed for four weeks w.e.f. 23-12-2024 to 20-01-2025.

The vacation will be divided into two halves. First half from 23-12-2024 to 05-01-2025 and 2nd half from 07-01-2025 to 20-01-2025. Common working day shall be on 06-01-2025. The Heads of departments and acting Head of departments are requested to send duty roster covering the period of winter break from 23-12-2024 to 20-01-2025 to this office in duplicate as per the rules governing the subject. While preparing the duty roster the following points should be kept in view :

1. Teaching, training and Hospital services concerning the Departments are maintained during both halves of the vacation.

2. Equal No. of Professor /Associate Professor /Assistant Professor in each Department shall remain on duty when other Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor / Lecturer are on summer vacation.

3. In the Departments where there are more than one Professor the HoD will arrange the duty roster in such a way that at least one Professor remains on duty In the Hospital. This will also apply to the department / Units which have more than one Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor / Lecturer. Further, it shall be ensured that the two Senior most Faculty Members in a Department shall avail vacations in Separate halves.

4. HoD’s concerned with lab. services will ensure proper laboratory services as per routine during the vacations.

5. All the HoD’s /Acting Heads of the department will ensure that the teaching and training programmes of the students is carried out as per the routine during the vacation by making such arrangements as are deemed necessary.

6. HoD of P &SM will make arrangements to ensure proper functioning of R.S Pura, Block and Urban Health Centre during the period of Vacation.

7. The Faculty Members designated to take Lectures/ Clinical Classes as per the approved Roster of the Department shall ensure that the allotted work to them is carried out as per routine. The concerned HoD/ I/c, HoD and the designated Faculty Members shall be responsible for implementation of the teaching / training roster of the Departments.

8. Registrars /Demonstrators are not entitled to avail the Vacations.

9. The faculty proceeding for vacation shall be entitled to either first half or second half of vacations in totality. No recommendation for both half vacations will be considered.

10. All the Faculty Members availing the vacation shall not keep their Mobile off during the vacations.

11. All the Faculty Members on duty during the First and second half of the vacations shall not avail any kind of leave.

12. The Faculty Members availing vacations shall not be granted any other leave in continuation with the vacations.

13. The vacations are liable to be cancelled at any time In case of exigency of any kind.

14. All Faculty members should be available in the respective Department as and when NMC inspection takes place during the duration of inspection only.

15. In case of any disaster, mass trauma etc the Faculty Members of the concerned department shall immediately report to Hospital for providing help. The duty roster in duplicate should reach this office on or before 10-12-2024.


For Complete Details : Click here


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