Mar 16, 2025
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GMC Srinagar Final Answer key of Junior Residents Posts

Final Answer key of the written test held on 04.02.2025 for selection/engagement of the candidates as Junior Residents ( House Surgeons) on tenure basis and declaration of result.

Whereas, the Govt. Medical College, Srinagar conducted a written examination of the candidates on 04.02.2025 for selection / engagement as Junior Residents (House Surgeons) on tenure basis; and

Whereas, vide this office Notification ISSUSO Under &WM. NO GMCS/Acad/9170-73/MC, dated: 04.02.2025, the solved Question Paper of the said examination as per Answer Key framed by the paper-setter was notified 11:4 information of all concerned Candidates With a provision that if any candidate fetes that the key to any question(s) is/are wrong, he/she can submit objection/representation on the prescribed format within two days Level to 06.02.2025 (04.00 PM) along with a sufficient documentary proof/evidence and fee of Rs. 300/-; and Whereas, In response to the said notification no representation against any question/answer was received within the stipulated time-frame;

Now, therefore, the answer key already notified vide this office Notification issued under Endstt. No GRCS/Acad/9170.73/MC, dated: 04.02.2025 Is hereby declared as final and no further claim whatsoever shall henceforth be entertained in this regard. On the basis of evaluation carried cut in accordance with the Final Key, the result of the written test held on 04:02:25  for selection/engagement of the candidates as Junior Residents ( House SY.19e201). is hereby notified in the annexure- A to this notification.

Consequent upon the above and on the basis of marks obtained in the written test, 94 candidates as indicated in Annexure- B to this notification have been shortlisted for counselling to be held on 17 02.2025 for allotment of the disciplines. Accordingly, all such candidates are advised to report in the Auditorium of Government Medical College, Srinagar on 17.02.2025 by or before 10:00AM along with their admit cards and any Identity proof for registration. Allotment of disciplines shall be made as per merit/rank of the candidates. As such every candidate must be present/available at the venue from the very beginning of the counselling process. If any candidate misses counselling on his/her turn, he/she can be allowed to participate in the counselling at the time of his/her arrival/reporting, subject to the condition that he/she shall not claim for the discipline which otherwise was available on his/her actual turn of counselling.

The number of candidates called for counselling is more than the number of vacancies, therefore, the counselling process shall automatically be closed as and when the vacancies get exhausted.


For Answer Key : Click here


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