Sep 8, 2024

Interview Schedule for the posts in Social welfare Department District Jammu

It is notified for the information of all concerned that the interview of shortlisted candidates for the post of Cook ( Class IV) advertised vide above reference number for District Cadre Jammu shall be conducted on 23rd of August,2017 (Wednesday) in the office of Superintendent, Residential School for Blinds, Roop Nagar, Jammu from 10:00 AM onwards as per the list given as Annexure’Aโ€™.

Post Name : cook

Interview Schedule : ย 23 August,2017 (Wednesday)

Venue : ย Office of Superintendent, Residential School for Blinds, Roop Nagar, Jammu

Any candidate having grievance for not being shortlisted for the interview can represent with reasons along with documents for such claim in the office of District Social Welfare Officer, Jammu on any working day within 07 days of publication of notification in newspaper. No claim whatsoever shall be considered after the said time frame ie.7 days.

The shortlisted candidates are informed that:

1. The candidature of all the candidates is purely provisional.

2. All the certificates shall be produced in original at the time of the interview.

3. The list is in Alphabetical order.

4. No TA/DA shall be paid for the interview.

5. No separate call letters shall be issued.

6. The cut off points have been mentioned against each post.

7. A candidate, who fails to appear in the said interview at the scheduled date, time, shall not be considered for interview later and forfeit his/ her right to be interviewed.

8. In case of any deficiency with reference to eligibility etc proved at the time of interview, the candidate shall not be allowed to appear in the interview, or if any deficiency is found subsequently the candidate shall not be considered for selection and will be treated as not eligible..

9. The cutoff merit has been calculated as:

Weight age points for Basic Qualification(10th): 50 points on prorata basis

Weight age points for Higher Qualification(12th): 10 points on prorata basis

Government NotificationsInterview NotificationNotifications
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