IUST Notice regarding Physical Fitness Test for the post of Assistant Director
Name of the Post : Assistant Director Physical Education
Date & Time : 25-11-2024 at 10.30 am
Venue : University Campus, Awantipora
It is hereby notified for the information of all candidates who have been shortlisted for the conduct of Physical Fitness Test for the post of Assistant Director Physical Education advertised vide Advertisement Notice No. 01 of 2024 dated: 06-02-2024, that in terms of the
advertisement notice and in accordance with the UGC Regulations 2018, the Physical Fitness Test shall be held in the University Campus, Awantipora on 25-11-2024 at 10.30 am as per the prescribed norms by the UGC.
The provisional call letters to the shortlisted candidates (list available on the University website www.iust.ac.in) are being sent on their respective Email Id’s and the candidates who do not receive the same shall treat this notice as provisional call to appear for the test.
Candidates are advised to report half an hour before the scheduled time at University Campus, Awantipora along with the Medical Fitness Certificate as per the attached format certifying that he / she is medically fit to undertake the test.
No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing in the test.
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