Mar 15, 2025
Government NotificationsInterview NotificationNotifications

JK High Court viva-voce/interview notification of Various Posts

It is for the information of all the candidates figuring in Annexure-A and Annexure-B of this notification who have been shortlisted for viva-voce/interview for the post of Junior Assistant, Level-4 and practical test/viva-voce/Interview for the post of Developer, Level-4 respectively, pursuant to Advertisement Notification No. 03. of 2022 dated 30.08.2022, that their viva-voce/interview will be held as per the following schedule:

Further, it Is also informed that :

1. The candidates are required to produce sufficient proof of their identity In the form of Aadhar Card or Pan Card or DL or Passport or any document of like nature at the time of interview and shall appear at the relevant venues of interview one hour before the scheduled time of Interview;

2. The candidates shall have to produce all original certificates/testimonials at the time of their interview, along with self-attested photocopies of the same.

3. Any candidate who fails to produce his/her original certificates/testimonials may forfeit his/her candidature;

4. Only those shortlisted candidates shall be allowed to appear In the interview who fulfil all the notified eligibility requirements;

5. Mere figuring of roll number of a candidate in the shortlist may not entitle a candidate to appear in the interview which shall be subject to the scrutiny of all testimonials of the shortlisted candidates;

6. No individual call letters shall be issued to the candidates whose roll numbers figure in Annexures- “A” and “B” to this Notification;

7. In the event of any deficiency found at the time of interview with reference to the eligibility of any candidate, such candidate may not be allowed to appear in the interview;

8. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates appearing in the interview. 4,7 .

Further Details :

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