Mar 19, 2025
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JKBOPEE Provisional Selection List of NEET MD/MS/PG Diploma Courses, 2024

Provisional Selection List of candidates of NEET MD/MS/PG Diploma Courses, 2024 belonging to the UT of J&K/Ladakh.

Reference: i) Notification No. 112-BOPEE of 2024 Dated 18-09-2024.

ii) Notification No. 121-BOPEE of 2024 Dated 27-09-2024.

iii) Notification No.167–BOPEE of 2024 Dated 18-11-2024.

iv) Notification No. 169-BOPEE of 2024 dated 22.11.2024.

Notification No. 177 -BOPEE of 2024

Dated. 29-11-2024

Consequent upon declaration of the NEET PG 2024 result by the National Board of Examination (NBE) and subsequent Notifications/Notices issued by the Board with regard to Registration/Verification of documents, filling up of online preferences and other actions including notifying sports merit of candidates for MD/MS/PG Diploma courses – 2024 vide Annexure-A & B of Notification No.167-BOPEE of 2024 dated 18.11.2024 and after due application of reservation rules as amended from time to time on the basis of merit cum preferences preferred by the eligible candidates through online mode, the list of candidates provisionally selected for undergoing MD/MS/PG Diploma courses–2024 in various Government/Private Medical Colleges/Institutions of the UT of J&K, is hereby notified as per Annexure- A to this Notification, which shall be available on the official website of the Board viz only.

The provisionally selected candidates figuring in Annexure- A are advised to report at the respective Colleges/Institutions allotted to them from the date of issuance of this notification till 03.12.2024 upto (4:00 p.m) along with following documents in original: –

(i) Matriculation Certificate;

(ii) MBBS Degree Certificate;

(iii) Rotatory Internship Completion Certificate upto 15.08.2024;

(iv) MBBS Marks Cards;

(v) NEET PG Result card (wherever applicable);

(vi) Domicile Certificate of candidates belonging to UT of J&K / Ladakh;

(vii) NMC (MCI)/J&K Medical Council Registration Certificate;

(viii) Category certificate (wherever applicable);

(ix) Candidates who have passed MBBS Degree from outside country to enclose NMC (MCI) clearance/recognition certificate;

(x) NOC for seeking admission to MD/MS/PGD Courses from the Competent Authority in case of in-service candidates;

(xi) Proof of Identity by way of Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Passport or any other verification document of identity as may be acceped by the Institute;

(xii) Any other document(s) as may be deemed necessary by the College/Institution;

(xiii) The service bond to be submitted by the candidates belonging to UT of Ladakh which shall be provided to them by the concerned Colleges / Institution.


1. The Candidates who have been allotted Government/Private Colleges in accordance with their online preferences in order of merit, shall mandatorily have to join against their provisionally allotted College/seat(s) on 03.12.2024 upto (4:00 pm) positively and in case any candidate fails to join against his/her allotted seat he/she shall not be eligible to participate in Second Round of Upgradation/Allotment counselling under any circumstances.

2. After the last date of joining, the concerned Heads of the Colleges/Institutions shall communicate the list of unfilled seat(s) as shortfall, if any, to the Board by the College/Institution on 03.12.2024 upto 05:00 pm positively.

3. In case any information provided by the candidate(s) is proved to be false/fabricated/untrue at any stage, the Board reserves the right to cancel his/her admission and also take penal action as per relevant rules and also proceed against them in terms of SRO 158 (rule 12), which inter-alia reads as under:-

“If at any stage it is detected by the Competent Authority or the Principal of the Medical College concerned that any candidate has secured admission to a Post Graduate Degree or Diploma Course by fraud, concealment of facts or mis- statement, the admission of the candidate shall stand cancelled and such a candidate shall also stand debarred from seeking admission to any Post Graduate Degree and Diploma Course in future and shall also be liable to criminal proceedings.”

4. The Seats under Hindu Minority Quota (HMQ) and the Non-Resident Indian (NRI) in the ASCOMS, Jammu shall also be filled up through a process of physical counselling during Second Round. Only such candidates shall be allowed to participate in the counselling for such seats, who fulfill the eligibility as laid down in the e-Information Brochure and who figure in the Provisional Merit List prepared on the basis of registration of candidates. Such candidates shall be required to produce the additional requisite documents as mentioned in the e- Information Brochure or as notified vide Notification No. 173-BOPEE of 2024 Dated 25-11-2024.


The provisionally selected candidates shall also give an Affidavit to the College/Institution as per Annexure-B to this Notification, inter-alia, on the following lines:

1. That the information furnished by the candidate is correct and nothing has been concealed/suppressed thereof;

2. In case any information proves to be wrong/false, the candidate shall be personally responsible for the consequences including the cancellation of his/her admission and the penalty as may be imposed upon him/her by the Board/Institution concerned in terms of SRO 158 of 1995 read with SRO 168 of 2014 as mentioned in the preceding paras or any other law;

3. That the candidate is not pursuing any MD/MS/PGD Course in any College/Institution of the UT of J&K and if pursuing outside, has obtained NOC from the concerned University/Institution;

4. That the candidate has not taken admission in MD/MS/PGD Course in the Medical Colleges/Institutions in the UT of J&K during the last three years (as the case may be) and has not resigned/left the course midway;

5. That the candidate has completed the Rotatory Internship by or before 15.08.2024 for MD/MS/PG Diploma. In case the same has not been completed by the said date, the candidate shall not be eligible for admission.


The provisionally selected candidates shall:-

1. have to report to the College/Institution, latest by 03rd of December, 2024 till 4:00 pm, so that the requisite formalities are completed by selected candidates;

2. The candidates to whom a seat has been allotted in the 1st round of counselling on the basis of Merit-Cum-Preference will have to compulsorily join the College and course so allotted, within prescribed period by completing requisite formalities. i.e. submission of original documents and submission of such other documents/undertakings as may further be required by the concerned College/Institution. A candidate, to whom a seat has been allotted in 1st round of counselling and if he/she stakes a claim for betterment of his/her choice, must initially accept allotment and join the College/Course by completing necessary formalities as set out by Rules, failing which such a candidate(s) will not be eligible to participate in Second Round of counselling, but may be allowed subsequently to compete against such category seats which may remain vacant and the Board may decide to fill the same from Open Merit category candidates.


The College/Institute shall note the following:-

i) In case a candidate does not join his allotted College/Course and/or fails to comply with the necessary formalities, his/her admission shall be cancelled.

ii) The process of allotment of Streams/Institutions for MD/MS/PG Diploma Courses by counselling shall have to be completed by the last date fixed by NMC/MCI from time to time. However, the selected candidates, who have completed their admission formalities but are no more interested in continuing their admission must resign by or before the last date fixed by NMC/MCI or as decided by the Board failing which they shall not be eligible to participate in the counseling process for admission to MD/MS/PG Diploma Courses next three years. This is to ensure that no seat remains vacant and Board gets time to notify the unfilled and vacant seats. The candidates selected after the last date fixed by NMC/MCI cannot resign so as such candidates should weigh all pros and cons before participating in the counselling.

iii) It shall be the sole responsibility of the College/Institutions concerned to ensure proper check and verification of documents/eligibility as per guidelines issued by MCI/NMC before the candidate is allowed for admission and in case of any discrepancy in the requisite documents, same is required to be reported to the Board for taking further course of action under rules.

iv) In order to complete the admission process within the prescribed Cut-off date the Colleges/Institutions shall keep their admission counters open even on Holidays/Off days/Sundays, if any, falling in between to facilitate the candidates to complete their admission process well in time. However, the candidates should in their own interest avoid waiting for the last day to complete admission formalities since delay has the potential of causing hardships to the candidates only.

v) The Heads of concerned Colleges/Institutions shall furnish the shortfall of the seats, if any, to the Board on 03.12.2024 till 05:00 p.m through the E-mail and hard copy duly singed by the Head of the Institution on 04.12.2024 by 11.00 a.m positively.

vi) Candidates should go carefully through E- Information Brochure, regarding procedure and eligibility for participation in the Second Round of counselling.


The unfilled Reserved Category seats along-with the seats, if any, received as shortfall shall be filled up during the 2nd Round of counselling for which a separate notification shall be issued by the Board and the candidates are advised to remain in touch with the website of the Board for day-to-day updates.

The Annexures-A & B of this Notification shall remain only available on the official website of the Board.

This provisional selection/admission Notification shall be without any prejudice and subject to final outcome of the Writ Petition(s), if any, pending before any Hon’ble Court.

The other Terms and Conditions shall remain the same as contained in the e-Information Brochure, Notifications and Notices issued by the Board issued from time to time in this regard.

Further Details : 


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