Selection List of Anganwadi Workers/Helpers Hiranagar
Merit list/Select List regarding engagement of Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helpers).
Whereas vide this Office Advertisement Notice No: 06 of 2023 dated: 12-09-2023, applications were invited from eligible female candidate against 12 vacant posts of Sahayikas (AWHs) of Project Hiranagar.
Whereas 27 candidates have applied against 11 vacant posts of Sahayikas (AWHs) and nil application form has been received for post of Sahayika in AWC Chadwal-A.
Whereas the scrutinization of application forms was fixed on 07-10-2023 vide CDPO Hiranagar office letter No: CDPO/Hgr/2023-24/928-37 dated :03-10-2023.
Whereas the merit and other necessary particulars of all the candidates were scrutinized/checked on 07-10-2023 by the Selection Committee for Sahayikas constituted vide Govt Order No: – 103 -JK(SWD) of 2023 dated: – 28-04-2023 and Govt Order No: 222 -JK(SWD) of 2022 dated: 30-11-2022.
Whereas within 10 days from the date of publication of this Notification No. 07 of 2023 dated 10-10-2023 in Danik Jagran dated 15-10-2023, 01grievance/objection has been received within the prescribed time limit from panchayat Dabbi. The objection is against the candidate at 1 in the provisional merit list of AWC Dabbi Panchayat Dinga Amb-A which states that the candidate is PRI Member of panchayat Dinga Amb-A
Whereas block level selection Committee in its meeting held on 02-11-2023 found no merit in the objection as the candidate selected has tendered resignation from the post of PRI Member, Panchayat Dabbi.
Whereas candidature of single applicant from AWC Ladhwal is rejected by block level selection committee as the candidate has submitted invalid voter list.
Whereas in the Provisional merit list and Provisional Select List two percent point has been awarded erroneously to candidates belonging to the family of retired Sangini/Sahayika stands withdrawn in the final merit and select list.
Therefore, in view of the above and as per the procedure laid in the above referred Govt Orders, Merit List and Select List against 10 posts as Annexure-A and Annexure-B respectively are hereby published for the information of general public and all concerned.
For Grievance(s)/Objection(s) (if any), the appeal in this regard shall lie before Deputy Commissioner Kathua within 10 days from the date of issuance of this notification/list. No grievance(s)/Objection(s) of any kind shall be entertained after ten days from the date of issuance of this notification/list.
Further Details :
Various Job Recruitment in NIT Srinagar
JKSSB Important Notifications regarding Selection Lists for Various Posts
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