Feb 6, 2025
India NewsJK News Today

General Election to Lok Sabha-2024-Guidelines for Conduct of Govt. employees and use of social media

In view of ensuing General Election to Lok Sabha-2024, the
following instructions are issued and reiterated for strict compliance and
observance by all concerned:

1. Attention of all Govt. employees of District Rajouri is invited to the relevant
provisions of Election Law and Conduct Rules relating to their participation in
Politics and Elections, Section 134 A of the Representation of the People
Act-195 1 reads thus:

“134A: Penalty for Government Servants for acting as Election Agent.
Polling Agent or Counting Agent If any person in the service of the
Government acts as an elect/on agent or a polling agent or a
counting agent of a candidate at an election, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to three months, or with fine, or with both

It is thus clear that the Law provides for strict punishment of imprisonment for
violation of provisions of above law

The J&K Employees (
Conduct) Rules, 1971 also prohibit the Govt Servant
from taking part in politics and elections.
a. Sub Rule (1) of Rule 14, provides that No Government employee shall take
part in politics or anti-secular and communal activities, or subscribe in aid of
any political party or any organization engaged in anti-secular or communal
activities or assist in any way any political movement in the State or in any
other part of India or relating to the affairs of the Union or the State.
b. Sub Rule (3) of Rule 14 provides that a government employee may, for the
purpose or removing misapprehensions, correcting mis-statements, and
refuting disloyal and seditious propaganda defend and explain to the public
the policy of Government, but may not, save as provided in rules, make any
communications to the Press in regard to the policy or acts of the
Government without the sanction of the Government or such other authority
as the Government may prescribe.
c. Sub Rule (4) of Rule 14 provides that in any action taken by him, under the
provisions of sub-rule (
3), the Government employee should, as far as
possible, refrain from making any reference to the personalities of parties or
individuals who may be in opposition to the Government.
d. Sub Rule (5) of Rule 14 provides that No Government employee shall
canvass or otherwise interfere or use his influence in connection with, or take
part in any election to a
local body or to the Legislature or Parliament:
Provided that a Government employee who is qualified to vote at such
election may exercise his right to vote; but if he does so, he shall, give
no indication of the manner in which he proposes to vote or has voted

Read Full Guidelines for Employees here


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