Mar 17, 2025
Jammu Kashmir JobsPrivate Jobs

Various Jobs in BIPL

Name of the Posts :-

ADMINISTRATION HEAD 15 years experience in sales

SALES HEAD 15 years experience in sales

HR HEAD 10 years experience in sales

RSM 15 years experience in sales

ASM 10 years experience in sales

CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER 20 years work experience in FMCG Industry

UNIT INCHARGE (MECHANICAL ENGINEER) 7 years work experience in good industry

QUALITY EXECUTIVE :- 2 years experience in Food Lab

STORE INCHARGE :- B.Com with S years experience in same field

CCTV INCHARGE 5 years experience in relevant field

BUSINESS MANAGER (PPR) 10 years experience in relevant field


Please send your resume and mention post within 5 days to

Experienced Candidates will be given preference Shortlisted Candidates will be intimated separately regarding their Interview

Further Details : 


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